Friday, December 5, 2008

Solving the Lack of Bladder Control

I wanted to talk to you about solving the lack of bladder control that you may be suffering from. There are people out there that are having problems with control. It just

seems like they have to constantly run to the bathroom because it's always time to urinate. If that is you, than you're having a control issue with your bladder. It's important

that you figure out why this is happening. A lot of the times it is a more serious problem that you can't see and your lack of control is just a symptom of it. I think it's

important to learn how to solve a lack of bladder control and I'm going to help you out.

A lot of people don't understand how simple the bladder system is. Basically you have this elevated bag that holds your urine. There is a tube that comes out the bottom of

it, with a muscle that wraps around it. This muscle is what provides the control to the bladder. If that muscle isn't strong enough or not working at all, gravity takes over and

you can't control the urine at all. The obvious solution to this problem is to get that muscle working again.

When you have a lack of bladder control it is happening for some particular reason. Due to the fact that it might be something extremely serious, you should talk to a doctor.

If it is nothing serious, you can use medication for it. There are a lot of different types and some are natural over the counter medicine like Flotrol. These should help

stimulate the muscles around the bladder and help you regain control.

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